Day 14: Pekin, IL
Gramma Hoffman’s rocking chair (may also been Gramma Mabel Strang’s)
Up early this morning and had breakfast with Auntie Barb. After dad got up, packed the car and got on the road. Easy drive, but Hwy. 9 East from Spirit Lake to Forest City, Iowa is a long stretch of lovely little hamlets and villages, all of which have 25 MPH speed limits in their “downtowns.” (All of you know me well enough to know that I didn’t much like slowing down, much less that often.)
Got to Gary and Sara’s in Pekin in time for dinner, and back in “my” bedroom. Good news: I think I can rearrange the stuff in the car in such a way as to make it possible for me to bring Gramma Hoffman’s rocking chair back with me to Mississippi. (YAY!) Good night!